Councilwoman Cassandra A. Nelson has been a Richmond Heights residents for 22 years - more than two decades as your friend and neighbor.
She and her husband, Isaac, were high school sweethearts and have been married 49 years.
They are the parents of daughter Judge Andrea Nelson Moore, who serves on the Cleveland Municipal Court, and Army Capt. Isaac Nelson of Midland, TX.
Councilwoman Nelson has 5 grandchildren and 1 great granddaughter.
Retired since 2012, Councilwoman Nelson's career consisted of working 15 years for Honeywell, then later for 22 years with Medical Mutual.
Councilwoman Nelson served on the Richmond Heights Charter Review Commission in 2018.
She is a member of the Cuyahoga County Democratic Women's Caucus, A. Phillip Randolph Inc., Black Women's PAC, National Action Network, and National Council of Negro Women,.
Since 2020, Councilwoman Nelson has proudly represented Ward 3 on Richmond Heights City Council.
“In order for us to move forward, we all have to work together,” - Councilwoman Nelson